Come and be a part of our annual event - running for over 20 years! - where we applaud the dedication of conflict resolution experts and volunteers while recognizing outstanding contributions within the ADR field!
This year's Mediation Settlement Day will be hybrid - join us in person or virtually!
Meet your New York ADR Coordinators and join the conversation!
John S. Kiernan
Co-Chair, Statewide Advisory Committee on Alternative Dispute Resolution
Of Council, Debevoise & Plimpton LLC
Hon. Doris M. Gonzalez
Co-Chair, Statewide Advisory Committee on Alternative Dispute Resolution
Justice, Supreme Court, Bronx County
Lisa Courtney
Coordinator, Statewide Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) - NYS Unified Court System
Salman Ravala, Esq.
Arbitrator & Mediator, Criscione | Ravala, LLP
Sheryl Mintz Goski
Arbitrator & Mediator, Law Offices of Sheryl Mintz Goski, P.A.
Chris McDonald
Mediator & Arbitrator, ADR Office of Chris McDonald
Krysta Hartley
ACR-GNY Board Member
Mediation Settlement Day Committee Co-Chair
Noah Hanft
ACR-GNY Board Member
Mediation Settlement Day Committee Co-Chair

Mediation and Justice for All:
The Evolution and Impact of ADR in the Courts
We are proud to honor this year's Chuck Newman Award recipient:
Statewide Advisory Committee on Alternative Dispute Resolution
The Statewide Advisory Committee on Alternative Dispute Resolution, an expert group of judges, court staff, lawyers, ADR practitioners, and academics, are charged with examining the range of ADR services available within the court system and making recommendations for their improvement and expansion. Along with Committee Chair John S. Kiernan, a retired litigation partner at Debevoise & Plimpton LLC, Justices Gonzalez and Lamendola lead the Committee in its study of mediation, neutral evaluation, arbitration, Community Dispute Resolution Centers, and other alternative ways by which people can peacefully resolve conflicts and disputes without a trial, working with the Office of Court Administration’s (OCA) Division of ADR and the court system’s stakeholders to enhance court-affiliated ADR services and extend their use, as appropriate.
DATE: Wednesday, October 23, 2024
TIME: 6:00 - 8:00pm (EST)
Hybrid - Attend in person or virtually!
LOCATION: American Arbitration Association - International Centre for Dispute Resolution (AAA-ICDR) | Zoom participation available
ADDRESS: 150 East 42nd Street, Floor 17, New York, NY
Refreshments will be served.
Free admission (Registration required)

Thank you to our hosts at AAA-ICDR!

Questions? Email us at

This program is supported by ACR-GNY's 365 Sponsors: