ACR-GNY promotes learning and dialogue within the ADR community. This Practice Group has been meeting since 2019 and typically meets from 6:00pm to 7:15pm on Zoom. The Practice Group is a confidential space where mediators can come together to share puzzling moments and give each other honest feedback.
Family and Community Mediation Practice Group
Title: Residue: How Much of Your Days Are You Still Wearing:
Address the mental attachment work has on us and how to recover from it all
Our guest facilitator will be Dr. Camille Jones,PMP, LMSW, CEAP

Dr. Camille Jones is a seasoned professional engagement specialist with nearly two decades of success as a psychotherapist, social worker, family advocate, parent coordinator, facilitator, educator, and mediator. She is a sought out facilitator of alternative dispute resolution, custodial interventions, civil disputes, and settlement negotiations as well as family recovery expert with expertise in divorce trauma, overcoming adverse childhood experiences, and family stabilization services. She is a employee amenities specialist with expertise in Workplace Wellness initiatives to include Employee Assistance Programs, Work/Life Initiatives, Occupational Health and final determinant in Workers Compensation and Personal Property & Tort Claims employment cases.
Date: Thursday, February 24th, 2022
Time: 6:00pm-7:15pm
Cost: $10.00
Location: VIA ZOOM
Pre-registration is required.
This event is exclusively for ACR-GNY members and will be capped at 25 participants.
Contact Susan Salazar with questions: susan.salazar@acrgny.org